Former Lab Members

New Location

Scott Weitze M.S.

PhD program in the Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology - UC Berkeley

Yinhuai Chen Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Yoland Sanchez
Molecular Genetics - Univ. of Cincinnati

Kevin Keith Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Daphne Preuss
Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology - Univ. of Chicago

Andy Schroeder Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Robert Jackson
Dept. of Neuroscience - Tufts

Xiao Hong Chen Ph.D.

Senior Staff Scientist
Federal Drug Admin.- Div. Oncology and Drug Products

William Payne Ph.D.

Vice President of Research
Proteome, Inc.

Christina Defalco M.S.

Staff Scientist

Mathew Sowa B.S.

PhD program in Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics
Baylor College of Medicine

Julie Layzer B.S.

Research Technician
Duke University School of Medicine

Kathie Curnick M.S.

Research Technician for Barbara Osborne
Dept. Veterinary and Animal Science - Univ. of Mass.

Asha Kamut Ph.D.

Computational Scientist
Millenium Corporation

Arlene Gaudet Ph.D.

Customer Representative
Health New England Insurance

Zhixiong Xiao Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Biomolecular Medicine
Boston University (School of Medicine)

Michael R. Murphy Ph.D.

Scientific Data Analyst
ComputerCraft Inc.

Jeff McGrew Ph.D.

Senior Scientist
Immunex Corp.